Industrial Pipe Cleaning
Using our advanced water jets, Jetter Clean can not only unclog your business’s pipes but also remove sludge and pipe scale, clean your heater exchanger and more!
Pipe Scale and Sludge Removal
Water flow from recycle lines was restricted and no longer had the same capacity. An access hole was cut into the metal pipe and Jetter Clean used its large hose to remove the pipe scale and sludge build-up from the interior of the pipe. Then the hole was welded shut and the recycle line was activated giving it greater flow and improved capacity. This saved the company from the cost of pipe replacement.

Clearing 150 feet of Electrical Conduit

The new addition to Winnabago’s Ethenol Plant had frozen electrical conduit and couldn’t pull wires thru until Jetter Clean jetted the 150 ft long conduits. Water jets blasted through ice and debris. Then a large air compressor cleared the pipes of water allowing wires to go through to the other end.